Sunday, March 11, 2007

The Opener

At today's game against the Devils, we finally had the opportunity to showcase the Phoenix video opener. With a back-projection screen hastily hoisted in front of the scoreboard by the technical genius that is Steve Foden, we were able to screen both the fan-dedication piece entitled "Proud" and the Opener itself, with all the lights out and the music blaring loud.

A few communication hiccups along the way meant that the team skated out before they were supposed to, and the lights started to come on a touch early, but I don't think anyone cared about that. Hopefully the fans liked the screening of the videos - it's not something that we can do for every game, so fingers crossed it went down well.

My ultimate aim is to have a game where nothing goes wrong on the entertainment side. We're getting there, step by step. There are always things that can be improved, and always things that go wrong, but the 'golden rule' is that if the paying public don't spot what went wrong, then we dodge the bullet. Even so, I still fret over each and every mistake that we make, either individually or as a team. A fretless game, that's my aim!

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