Saturday, November 10, 2007

Just passing by...

I'm ummed and aahed about writing something. Must have started and stopped 10 or 15 postings. Heck, half of this ended started as a comment to Richards post. So, for once in my life, I'll try to be brief.

It has been a very difficult decision to make and I leave a whole bunch of great people and wonderful memories. I genuinely that believe we've built the best Match Night in the league by a country mile. And whats more we've done it on few resources, a modicum of talent and a metric shitload of hard work. The enormity and pressure of what is required can never be understood by someone looking on the outside in and the fact that everyone has not only risen to the challenge, but excelled is a tribute to them. I'll miss working with Richard a hell of a lot more than I'll ever let on :-)

One thing I do want to make clear is that the reason I've made a clean break is to simply make sure I get out of the habit of checking the Forum, dealing with the web site and so on. Its a hard thing to do after so long (heck, I'm here, and browse the Forum still) but I figure I either draw a line somewhere or end up hanging around like a smelly ghost.

I had a blast and I wouldn't have missed it for the world.


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