Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Freezing the sand

This evening, Landers, Tambo, Cameraman Steve and myself attended an on-site meeting with Neil, where we also met up with Sound Engineer Steve, Cameraman Colin and TechnoGeek Ron. The meeting took place right where the players' benches will be by Saturday, next to what will be an ice pad but is currently a huge expanse of freezing sand.

Being inside the new rink was a strange experience. It's not finished yet, not by a long chalk, and we will be playing this weekend's games on what is essentially a building site. There won't be a cafe, there won't be a bar, and you'll have to pee in a bucket (okay so the last part is a lie.) The announce position won't be finished, the camera platforms won't be ready, there won't be a video projector nor a screen to project onto. We're going to be playing in a spit-and-sawdust venue, with only the most basic of facilities in place. It's going to be cold, it's going to be tough, and it's going to be draining.

Bring it on.

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